3D Printed Food: A Taste of Science
Appetizer There has always been a marriage of food and science throughout history. Before modern biotechnology was used to produce desired traits in plants and animals, farmers would raise and breed livestock that produced the most milk or best marbling. Food scientists also help determine each ingredient’s optimal condition for harvesting, preservation, and cooking. From molecular gastronomy to chocolate printing, science has radically changed how we cook, present, and taste food. Entree 3D printers and bioprinters are revolutionizing the food industry by unlocking unlimited potentials for taste, touch and sight. 1. Taste 3D food printers with specific focuses are already in circulation such as the successfully crowd-funded Pancakebot or Bocusini. 3D printing food does not require any sacrifices in taste. In fact with the help of several techniques from molecular gastronomy, 3D printed food has the potential to taste even better than regula...