3D DIY Bio-printer: Bioengineering project
3D bio-printers can be used to print biological materials such as gels, proteins and cells. Inspired by the BioCurious team, our group at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore assembled a 3D DIY bio-printer and explored the possibility of printing mammalian cells. First, we assembled the printer following the manual from Instructables. This is the DIY 3D bio-printer created by team at NTU Singapore. We tested the bio-printer for printing alginate gels. Calcium chloride solution was dropped onto a culture dish containing 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% sodium alginate solution. We found that 1.5-2.0% alginate worked best in providing most consistency in printing. The picture below shows a test print using ink versus alginate hydrogel. (Left) Letter 'N' printed in ink (Right) Letter 'N' printed in alginate Scale bar: 1mm Finally we showed that 3D gels could be printed using this DIY bio-printer platform, the picture below shows a printed...